Monday, November 14, 2011

Afternoon Block Team Building Activity

In a complete sentence, how is working as a group easier than working by yourself?

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  1. It's easier because you have more people to work with to help brainstorm ideas for the solution to your problem.

  2. Working in a group is easier than by yourself because you can use more ideas and more strengths then by yourself.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. It is easiest to work in a group because you can get more done than working with yourself.

  5. I think it was easier working in a group because you had more brain thinking of things.

  6. Working in a group is way easier then working alone because you have so many different ideas just to solve one problem.

  7. Working in a group is easier because we have more people to watch are back.

  8. I think that working in a group is easier because you don't have to do as many tasks because they can be split up in the group.

  9. i think that it is easier to work in a group because you have more people thinking about the question.

  10. Working in a team or as a group is better than working by your self because, It is hard to do some things by your self than it is with a group. and working in a group you learn to communicate with other people. if you cant communicate with people you work with, how are you going to work with other people.

  11. it is easier to work in a group because there more people to work with

  12. It is easier to work in a group because its eaiser to get one goal done with twelve heads than one head. An example is the tug of war. Its easier to get the goal of the game with twelve people pulling on the other teams twelve people but if it's just yourself you have no chance of winning.
