Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Career Clusters!

Today we were introduced to career clusters.  The one that fits me the most is... (LEAVE A COMMENT)


  1. I think that I go with the manufacturing because I want to design the car and then help build the prototype and build the car

  2. Business management and administration because I like being in charge and being a leader.

  3. I would pick the science technology and mathematics because I like science and science is easy for me and I wanna be a biologist.

  4. The one that fits me best Is education/training because I like taking charge and talking in front of people teaching them how to do things.

  5. Today we learned about career cluster the one that fits me is government and public administrator because I would like to be in the military.

  6. My Career Cluster is Heath Science because I want to be a nurse or doctor also I'm interested in science of the human body; That's why Heath Science is the career cluster for me.

  7. I would go with manufacturing because it deals with designing and creating prototype vehicles.

  8. I would say that I would have to do information technology because i think it would be something i would like and be good at.

  9. Today, we learned about career clusters, the career cluster that fits my best is the sience technology, engineering and mathematics because I am good at math and math can fit with most computer scripts and I can also script very well

  10. The career cluster that fits me the best would have to be Law, Public Safty, Corrections and Security. I believe it fits me because it's something that I'm very interested in and I would love to learn more about it as I go through school. Also I think with the kind of skills that I have I could do really well in this cluster.

  11. The one that fits me the best is manufacturing because I like doing stuff with tools, and would like to work in a mill or a truck, and make a lot of money.

  12. The best one that's suits me is information technology. The reson is I love technology and from what I learned you deal with computer designing I think.

  13. The career cluster that fits me the best is architecture & construction because I love to build stuff in scale models then put my skills to the test by going to life size.

  14. Today we were introduced to career clusters. The one that fits me the best is education and training, because I like to work with people and I want to teach some sports if I dint make it far in volleyball

  15. I think that I have to keep going with architecture and construction because I love and have always loved building stuff and going off of blue prints.

  16. The few career clusters I fit in are Human services, hospitality and tourism and education and training. I chose those career clusters because I look into being a altrasoundographer, Xray Technichion, a sports coach/ phy Ed teacher or a elementary school teacher because I like to help people and I like to educate younger children.

  17. The career cluster That fits me the most is both human services and law public safety and government. Human services because I like working with people and law,public safety, and government because, Being a lawyer someday might be a possibility for me.

  18. The career cluster that fits me well is government. I like this one th emost because I want to be in the United States Navy. I want to be in the navy because I want to serve my country and I would like to work with a submarines reactor. People might say," why would you go into the military you could die." Well yes I could die but I would die fighting for my country.

  19. I think I would go to Law and Fotcments because I be the first in the family to be a cop, swat, or FBI

  20. Food and natural resouces because I like eating food and i like cooking food.

  21. The career cluster that best fits me the most is health science because I want to be a physical therapist cause you leanrn about the body and how it works and I like to work with people.

  22. i would pick manufacturing because i like to work with hands one thing.

  23. I would like to do Education + Training because I like sports.

  24. Arts,a/v, technology and education, because I like doing things with art, and i like communicating with people.

  25. The career cluster that would best fit me is Health Science. This would fit me best because I like to help aminals and people, but mostly animals. I don't like seeing things suffer. And I like find answers to problems.

  26. The clusters that fit me the most to be a ultrasound technetion is health science, human service, science and some times mathematics.

  27. My favorite career cluster was the science and technology because I naturally love science and genetics. I also am starting to have fun with computer notepad and CMD.

  28. The career cluster I would like to be in is Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathmatics, because I want to become a veterinarian. I love animals and love caring for them and I don't care how long it takes for me to get there.

  29. Arts,Audio/Video Tech, and Communications because i enjoy music and can really connect with music. And i enjoy taking pictures.

  30. I think education and training is good for me because the education you have to be creative and I am creative.

  31. I would pick agriculture,food + nature resources because that's my second favorite because my first isn't in a career cluster.

  32. i like law and security the best

  33. the art,audio,and technology fits me best

  34. The career cluster I fit into most is Human Services because I enjoy helping others.

  35. the career i liked the most or the one i fit into is law and public safety-marketing

  36. I would fit under business management because I want to start my own restaurant and succeed. One reason I would choose this is because I am able to follow directions and I like cooking. Also, I want to be able to create my own recipes and cook books.

  37. I would choose Arts/communications because I like to preform and use Technology.

  38. Law and public service fits me best because I've always had an interest.

  39. agraclture becuse i like running big equiptment and my dad is going to pass the farm down to me
